Dear Soner Tarim, Superintendant of Harmony Science Academys:
If your schools are all that and you and your fellow members of Hizmet have nothing to hide, why are you paying for an expensive Public Relations person?
Instead of spending $100K for Public Relations and over $200K in Marketing, not to mention your
"extra curricular" activities like the Turkish Olympiads, and trips to Turkey for the students - use our tax money on educational related expenses. Stop the nonsense and the irresponsible spending of our tax money, you and your bond financing is only getting you deeper into debt. Even Karen Hughes cannot stop the truth
From Ex-FBI Turkish Translator Sibel Edmonds blog "Boiling Frogs"
Here at Boiling Frogs Post we have been covering the infamous Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen, his $25 Billion network and CIA guardians, his more than 1000 Madrasas in the Balkans, Central Asia, Caucasus and elsewhere, his Charter School Empire here in our backyard, and of course, as always, the incredible blackout and selective coverage by the US mainstream media when it comes to this controversial operator. Maybe all that work was not totally futile after all. In the past few weeks, thanks to relentless and collective efforts by a group of concerned American teachers-activists, Imam Gulen has been receiving some deservedly eye-brow rising media coverage. Obviously, more than a few eyebrows must have been risen, since in a desperate attempt for damage control one of Fethullah Gulen’s main foundations has reached out and hired (make that bought out) George Bush’ queen of PR, his former campaign manager, and the former Undersecretary of State, Karen Hughes. The buyout terms must have been very steep since both parties, Gulen’s Cosmo-Hughes, have been mum about it when questioned:
The largest of the Texas charter operators, Cosmos Foundation, Inc., has hired no less than Karen Hughes of PR heavyweights Burson-Marsteller to — uh, what’s the word I’m looking for — help Cosmos pass the school construction bond bills. Other than the fact that Karen Hughes has declined to state how much cash she’s receiving for her, uh, help with the bond bills…
…There is not much information or details on the federal investigations of Gulen’s charter schools other than that the investigations are being coordinated by prosecutors in Pennsylvania where Gulen resides in his private castle, guarded by more than 50 Turkish security guards:
…but federal agencies – including the FBI and the Departments of Labor and Education – are investigating whether some charter school employees are kicking back part of their salaries to a Muslim movement founded by Gulen known as Hizmet, or Service, according to knowledgeable sources.
Unlike in Turkey, where Gulen’s followers have been accused of pushing for an authoritarian Islamic state, there is no indication the American charter network has a religious agenda in the classroom.
Religious scholars consider the Gulen strain of Islam moderate, and the investigation has no link to terrorism. Rather, it is focused on whether hundreds of Turkish teachers, administrators, and other staffers employed under the H1B visa program are misusing taxpayer money.
Federal officials declined to comment on the nationwide inquiry, which is being coordinated by prosecutors in Pennsylvania’s Middle District in Scranton. A former leader of the parents’ group at the State College school confirmed that federal authorities had interviewed her.
Bekir Aksoy, who acts as Gulen’s spokesman, said Friday that he knew nothing about charter schools or an investigation.
Recently released Wikileaks cables contain some details on US unease over Gulen’s operations:
Classified documents recently released by WikiLeaks recount U.S. officials’ growing concern over large numbers of Turkish men seeking visas to work at American charter schools founded by followers of Fethullah Gulen, a powerful Turkish Muslim political figure who lives in the Poconos.
“Gulen supporters account for an increasing proportion of [the] . . . nonimmigrant visa applicant pool,” a consular official in Istanbul, Turkey, wrote in 2006, according to one of the documents posted by WikiLeaks two weeks ago.
“Consular officials have noticed that most of these applicants share a common characteristic: They are generally evasive about their purpose of travel to the United States.”
One destination for visa holders is the Truebright Science Academy, a charter school founded in North Philadelphia by followers of Gulen.An analysis of H1-B visas conducted for The Inquirer showed that the number granted for Gulen charter schools has grown substantially since that 2006 report. More than 2,500 have been issued since 2007.
The acting chief executive at Truebright, Tansu Cidav, has declined to discuss the school’s operation.
Turkish staffers at Truebright are paid more than their American counterparts, state pension records show. In the last school year, a Turkish math teacher who was not certified and spoke little English was paid $54,000; a certified American science teacher was paid $40,200.
The common theme of Gulen’s US network in dealing with the recent inquiries and investigations seems to be: ‘No comments.’ They have refused to acknowledge or respond to all inquiries, even those on the minutest details of their American tax payers’ funded operations.
You know where I stand when it comes to partisanship and all the evils associated with it, right? Well, one of the very rare (if not only) positives that comes out of partisanship (sometimes) is the drive to bring out the ‘real’ dirt when it is associated with the other side-party. Unfortunately, this won’t be the case with Gulen’s operations. The pocketing of Karen Hughes for damage control and to further their nefarious activities will not become a ‘cause’ for the blind followers of the opposite party-the Democrats. Gulen’s operatives have been playing cleverly and safely (just like the MIC and the like): They have been pocketing and playing figureheads from both parties,
It’s very difficult to believe that any politician from the Chicago area would have nothing to do with the Turkish community there. For Jan Schakowsky to deny any relationship would be utter foolishness, of course, because she’s been very much involved lately with the Fethullah Gulen movement through the Chicago-based Niagara Foundation, whose honorary president is none other than Hocaefendi himself. This year Schakowsky wrote a Letter of Recognition for the Niagara Foundations 2009 “Peace and Dialogue Awards”. And Schakowsky did the same in 2008 and in 2007.
Naturally, these facts raise questions. How intimately does Representative Schakowsky know the Niagara Foundation in order for her to show such consistent and strong support? What benefits does the Niagara Foundation provide Schakowsky and the City of Chicago? Since the Chicago City Council backs and promotes the Niagara Foundation, what is the foundation’s real connection to Mayor Daly and former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, both of whom are involved in major, ongoing corruption cases?
Those of you who are new to this website, you may want to check out our coverage of Gulen’s operations here at Boiling Frogs Post in order to get a better view of recent developments. At the time, I received more than my fair share of ‘anonymous’ attacks and criticism for my coverage of Gulen Operations while the mainstream media was busy hushing the issue, sanitizing Gulen’s history-present, and censoring documented evidence. I wish I could say I feel a bit better seeing the recent small scale of media attention-interest, but I cannot. The latest coverage does not even begin to touch the buried explosive facts…but I will be cautiously optimistic.
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Karen Hughes with former President George W. Bush |
Respect to Harmony Schools!!! They ate doin great job!!!
ReplyDelete"they ate doin great job"
Not sure what Harmony Science Academys "ate" but they are eating our Texas bond financing money to the tune of over $100 million a year.
Their schools are not performing as their statistical lies state they are. However, the Gulen Movement does perform well at Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising among naive and unsuspecting Americans who have no clue about education much less about who is Islamic Imam Fethullah "Muhammed" Gulen?
If you want to make a difference educate people on this movement and start talking to the local legislature that is in the Gulen Movement pockets recieving donations from Texas Gulen NGOs such as Cosmos Foundation, Raindrop Turkish House and about 12 other Gulen groups in Texas that are laundering all of that educational tax money for their group.
The worthiest people are the most injured by slander, as is the best fruit which the birds have been pecking at.
ReplyDeleteHarmony schools are the best Charter schools ever!!!
Karen Hughes mentioned everything about Harmony schools. I am really impressed with the these Schools, they ROCK!!!!
ReplyDeleteOnce again Hakan aka Giovanni or Gitano you must space out your postings more than 1 hour from each other and learn to spell Leslye (Leslie)
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing worthy about Gulen, he cares nothing about you and denies knowing any of you. He is washing his hands of you now that you are under the microscope.
Hey what's up with all the CLOSED GULEN SCHOOLS IN: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Greece, and now all the investigations. Wow especially Moldive with all the charges of abuse.
Giovanni, give our love to Ozghur and the others over at Caterpiller. Good luck with all the bond financing. When the American politicians come around looking for campaign contributions for them supporting your lies, you better cough up some big money.
Any school that has to hire a PR person, and use American Educational funds for non-education items has something to hide.
Face the music and dance, your scheme isn't working in America. Till the end, we will follow you and hold you accountable and demand truth.
ReplyDeleteI go to a Harmony Public School (Harmony Science Academy -Waco) and it's great here. The teachers push us forward to learn and make sure we know what were doing (even if that means to attend after school tutoring). It's a great School System that helps each student make a path for a better future. I've been homeschooled my whole life till being enrolled in Harmony, (Harmony Science Academy -Waco), and this has been a academic dream come true. If you want an education that exceeds in all subjects you should enroll you children in one of the Harmony Public Schools. I thank all my teacher for their academic greatness and teaching me that greatness, and I thank the whole Harmony School System.. I also thank God for the life He gave me.