"Gulen Charter Schools USA",a factual look at a worldwide movement to dominate education. Read about the "Gulen Charter Schools" in the USA as well as worldwide. Share our ride exploring the Gulen Movement tactics. These postings are based on news articles, government documents such as H1-b Visa info, IRS information. http://www.gulencharterschools.weebly.com http://www.charterschoolwatchdog.com http://www.charterschoolscandals.blogspot.com http://www.gulenschoolsworldwide.blogspot.com
Gulen's American Empire

Gulen Empire map from Turkish Newspaper. DISCLAIMER: If you find some videos are disabled this is the work of the Gulen censorship who have filed fake copyright infringement reports to UTUBE
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Gulen Movement in Bed with politicians and the CIA
Is Fethullah Gulen Working for the CIA?
Kurdishaspect.com - By Dr. Aland Mizell
Is Fethullah Gulen really a CIA agent? Or does Fethullah Gulen know how to use the CIA for his interest? Why is the Gulen movement more successful than any other Muslim movement in Turkey or even outside of Turkey? Is the Gulen movement really chosen by God and making his followers “the chosen ones”? Who introduced Gulen to the Washington Circle? What was the role of the Jewish community, such as the Anti-Defamation League, in promoting him in the USA? Gulen and his followers are opportunistic. They know how to use people and systems for their purpose; for example, in the eighties he positioned himself against Communism to get the support of the USA. Gulen never takes risks but rather finds the direction of the wind, and then his followers will do anything to succeed. I would not be surprised if Gulenists have already infiltrated the CIA. In the past Dr. Necip Hablemitoglu, professor of history at Ankara University studied the relation of Fethullah Gulen’s community with the CIA. In his study he claimed that the CIA used Fethullah Gulen or that Gulen worked for the CIA. Dr. Hablemitoglu was assassinated in 2002, and his case has still not been solved. Regarding Gulen’s connection to the CIA, former Turkish Intelligence Chief, Osman Nuri Gundes, in his memoir claimed that Gulen’s movement has been providing cover for the CIA since the mid-1990s, and that in the 90s, the movement sheltered 130 CIA agents at its schools in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan alone. The memoir revealed that the CIA operates in Central Asia by using the Gulenists’ movement. Furthermore, the Washington Post, hastening its news sells, printed the partial and prejudiced coverage of this recently published memoir by Chief Gundes. I think that the publication was an important piece although not a fair, objective news analysis, but rather a marketing tool and a kind of propagandistic journalism for the Gulenists. I think that the author failed to demonstrate the intense secrecy of the organization and neglected to conduct further investigation to see if the Gulenists do have a connection with the CIA.
In addition, the author of the Washington Post article could have interviewed more people not Just Graham Fuller, author of The Future of Political Islam, an ex-CIA agent and former CIA station chief in Afghanistan, and a favorable voice for the movement to see if Fuller’s assertions are relevant or not. It seems Mr. Fuller explicitly denies CIA connections with Gulenists’ missionaries. Further, Fuller claims that he has no knowledge about the Gulenist movement, but then later he adds that he did write a letter to the FBI in 2006 saying that Mr. Gulen is not a danger to US security and urging the government not to deport him to his native country of Turkey. If Graham Fuller does not know much about Gulen, then why would he write a letter to the FBI to say that he is not a danger to American security or to argue against his extradition? Why would he give a free ride to Gulenists and to Gulen? How long did Fuller study the Gulen movement before he made such statements about Gulen’s role in Central Asia or about his not being a danger? How did Fuller and former USA Ambassador Morton Abramowitz and businessman Ishak Alaton know each other? What was the role of the Anti-Defamation League’s president, Abraham Foxman, and the League’s Deputy National Director, Kenneth Jacobson? The Post piece was far from investigative reporting.What other liaisons call into question Gulen’s relation to the CIA? To what extent did the CIA and Gulenists collaborate with General Rashid Dostum, the leader of Afghanistan’s minority Uzbek community? In 1998, the Taliban forced Dostum to flee to Turkey; he returned from exile in Turkey to Afghanistan in April 2001. Seeing his potential, President Hamid Karzai appointed Dostum as Chief of Staff to the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces in 2005. What reshaping or alliances occurred during those three years in Turkey?
Besides the CIA, another group Gulen used and became significantly connected with was the US Jewish community and with the worldwide one, chiefly through Ishak Alaton, co- founder and chairman of the executive board of Alarko Holding Company. Alaton is one of the wealthiest business tycoons in the world, owning Alarko with its interests primarily in energy, land development, housing, investment, tourism, and other enterprises. He is a Jew raised in Turkey. Having been a courageous public voice for Gulen and Gulenists in Turkey and abroad, he is very close to Gulen and regularly keeps in touch thanks to his worldwide contacts. In any difficulties Gulen and Gulenists ask for help from Alaton. For example, the Alaton’s had close business alliances in Turkmenistan, so that when Gulen’s schools ran into political trouble, Gulen asked for his help to keep his schools open there. Also, when the Russian authorities closed down his operations and did not let Gulenists open schools in Russia, Gulen sent Ishak Alaton to tell the Russian authority that Gulen’s followers were not fundamentalists and to lend Alaton’s credibility in testifying that they were safe. In 2006, when Gulen had problems with his immigration in the US, one of Gulen’s closest friends, Ahmet Kara, and the editor of the Zaman newspaper, Ekrem Dumanli, again asked help from Alaton because the Gulenist leaders were nervous about how to prevent his deportation from America. Alaton asked help from the former USA Ambassador to Turkey, Morton Abramowitz. In part through Abramowitz’s intervention and other CIA letters of recommendation besides Fuller’s, the US Office for Immigration did not deport Gulen to his native country of Turkey.
Like the CIA, Gulenists thrive on secrecy. For Gulenists a strategy without
tactics is the slowest route to accomplish their goals. The core of the
organization is secrecy (Sir Tutmak) and caution (Tedbirli olmak) because
tactics without an overarching strategy for them is the noise before the defeat. Secrecy becomes an addiction for Gulenists. They are trained not to give information away, and, according to Gulen. Keeping a secret is equivalent to guarding one’s chastity. Keeping secrets whether personal, collegial, or national is like keeping themselves chaste, so they must be meticulous about keeping the secret as they would be about their honor. Conversely those who spread secrets damage their honor and reputation by leaving them unguarded. Before a candidate joins the organization the Gulenists will indoctrinate the student about how to keep secrets. If followers want to tell someone a secret, they must be sure that they can trust him or her with their honor. An unreliable person, one who is ignorant of the value of chastity, should not be entrusted with keeping a secret. Gulen explains this doctrine in his Pearls of Wisdom. He teaches that hearts are created as safes for keeping secrets. Intelligence is their lock; will power is their key. No one can break into the safe and steal its valuables if the lock or keys are not faulty. He urges his followers to bear in mind that those who carry others' secrets to you might bear yours to others. Further, he cautions them not to give such tactless people any chance to learn even the smallest details of your private concerns. A secret is a power only as long as it stays with its owner but is a weapon that may be used against its owner if it passes into the hands of others. Developing his point, Gulen explains, “This is the meaning of one of our traditional sayings: ‘The secret is your slave but you become its slave if you disclose it.’” The details of many important affairs can be protected only if they are kept secret. Often enough when the involved parties do not keep certain matters secret no progress is achieved. In addition, serious risks might confront those who are involved particularly if the matter concerns delicate issues of national life and its continuation. This doctrine admonishes them, “Explain what you must but never give away all of your secrets. Those who freely publicize the secrets of their hearts drag themselves and their nation toward an inevitable downfall .If a state cannot protect its secrets from its enemies it cannot develop. If an army reveals its strategy to its antagonists it cannot attain victory. If key workers are won over by the competitors their employers cannot succeed.” Secrecy undergirds Gulen’s life and movement.
If Gulen does not have a secret agenda, then why would his followers be so
secretive? The truth never envelops itself in mystery, yet we see that
Gulenists’ claims about tolerance, interfaith dialogue, justice, peace and
equality slowly reveal the reality behind the movement as it developed in
Turkey. What Gulenists want is total power and one-man rule; they want a status so that none could dare to object to them or to their leader, because they sincerely believe that Allah has chosen them to disseminate their brand of Turkish Islam to the world, and therefore that everything they do is right and without mistakes. That is why the best weapon for a dictator’s regime is secrecy, but the best weapon for a real democracy is openness and transparency, is it not? How democratic, open, and transparent are the Gulenists?
Why did the CIA support Gulenists in Central Asia? It is no secret that the CIA and Washington support Gulenists in Central Asia to counter the Iranian version of the Shia religious influence there. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, there was a social, political, and religious vacuum. Central Asian states were weak, so obviously the world would ask who would fill that vacuum. Even at that time when Gulen sent his followers to Central Asia, he asked them to hasten, urging, “If you don’t go now, later this door could be closed, and others will fill your place.” It was not a surprise that Islam filled that vacuum because the majority of the Central Asian countries have a Muslim heritage. Having recently emerged from an atheistic Communism, they more readily embraced their traditional religion. But after the collapse of Soviet Union the balance of power changed as well. Before this downfall, the East was dominated by the Soviet Union and the West by America, but afterwards the United States became the single superpower and thus had its chance to extend its power to Central Asia.
Another player that tried to benefit from this power vacuum, thus bringing about the US alliance with Gulen , was Iran, because it was important for Iran to be involved in the political and social process of Central Asian countries, Furthermore, Iran wanted to influence the newly independent states with the Shia version of Islam, so that they could export the Islamic revolution to these countries and thereby tie them more closely to Iran. Iran’s neighboring Central Asian country, Tajikistan, does not have Turkic roots but rather is more Persian. Because of the hostile relations between Iran and the United States, the collapse of the Soviet bloc was not a desirable event for Iran because Iran and the Soviet Union were allies to confront the United States. Therefore, the collapse of the Soviet Union raised the question about which model the Central Asian countries should use as an example. There were two choices: one was Iran whose hostility against the US interests in the region were well known, and the second choice was Turkey. The US was nervous that Iran would back a radical
Islamic movement in the Central Asian countries to create Islamic regimes that would be loyal to Iran and threatening to American national interests in the region; therefore, Washington urged the Central Asian countries to adopt the Turkish model, which at the time was supposed to be based on secularism, a free market economy, and democracy. Then in 1992, the US Secretary of the State, James Baker, during his trip to Central Asia, urged the Central Asian countries to adopt the seemingly secular and democratic Turkish model for their political and economical development, not the Iranian model. Especially after 9/11, the US invasion of Afghanistan increased the political will that the US should more intensely confront Iran because the US claimed Iran made it more difficult to win the battle against terrorism because it aided Al-Qaida.
Thus, Turkey and Iran began fighting for a new hegemonic power in Central Asia. Because of the new states’ religious and ethnic ties with Turkey, the demise of U.S.S.R. opened a new door of opportunity for Turkey to renew its kinship with them and its interest in their rich resources, and many Muslims, opened a vast number of schools and invested in businesses there for the long run. However, after the Soviet Union fell, a political space allowed for the rapid growth of Fundamentalism as well as for new national identities. Many Central Asian students went outside their countries, especially to Saudi Arabia and to Egypt to relearn their religion. In response the Gulen community established his religious schools to compete with Iranian Shi’ism and Saudi Wahabism in the region. Turkey desired to influence the republics with its Sunni religion, and Iran wanted to promulgate its Shia sect. In the face of these alternatives, the United States’ policy urged Turkey to become the dominant model for social-political and economic development in Central Asia and in the Middle East. The U.S. viewed Turkey as a democratic country with a free market economy that would influence the newly independent Central Asian countries. Consequently, Washington saw the influence of the Turkish brand of Islam in the Central Asia in a short run as in America’s interest but in the long run understood that it could backfire.
The story of the CIA’s involvement in this strategy emerges at this point. In
the short run the Turkish social and economic model would restrain the Iranian model of Fundamental Islam and thus slow the growth of Fundamentalism in Central Asia and would prevent a confrontational approach to the region’s problems. But Washington did not calculate the long-term US interest in the region because in the long run aligning with Turkish Islam could backfire and could damage the U.S.’s economic interests in the Central Asian and Middle Eastern regions. For example, in 1979, the U.S. supported the small evil Taliban regime in order to
contain the seemingly larger evil of the Soviet Union. After defeating the
bigger evil, the small evil became problematic for the U.S. in that region. The U.S.’s interest in Central Asia would be affected long-term by the new growth of the Turkish version of Islam. Today this version of Islam has become almost a dominant power in Central Asia especially in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan. The political space to gain such power may have resulted from Gulen’s courtship with the CIA in those countries.
I do not know why CIA agents still deny that they know about this association. Because of Fethullah Gulen’s vast network of schools and businesses, thousands of students are graduating each year from those schools, speaking Turkish, practicing the Turkish version of Islam, and moving into key governmental positions. With this strategy Gulen seeks to bring back the Ottoman Empire. Yet, Washington sees the movement only as an alternative to radicalism. Politically as well as religiously Turkey has been fighting for a long time for a new hegemonic power in the Middle East. In addition, Turkey and Iran have been competing for Islamic leadership. Who is the best suited to represent Islam? Turkish Muslims, like Fethullah Gulen, argue that the Ottoman Empire represented Islam for almost six hundred years, and thus the Turks are the only Muslims who represent true Islam. That’s why the CIA supports Gulen’s sect, and it is well known. If the CIA agents do not know anything about the Gulen movement, that means the US foreign interests are in danger, but, of course, the CIA, like Gulen, deny they do not have any relation because both are trained well and require covert operations for their success.Gulen urged his followers not to act prematurely, because it might cost them heavily. Gulen teaches his followers to know their enemy, explaining that if they know the enemy and know themselves, then they do not need to fear the outcome. Gulen trains his followers like CIA agents, thereby creating good obedient young soldiers ready to give their life for the purpose of this (Hizmet) service. I would claim that Gulenists are not working for the CIA, but rather Gulenists are using the CIA for their interest. They know how to use people for their purpose. For example, if today Gulenists’ schools are not closed in Central Asian countries, it is because Gulenists secretly sent the former President of Turkey, Turgot Özal, to visit the schools in Central Asian countries and to tell the heads of the States that they are not a threat, like CIA agent Fuller told the US government that Gulen is not a threat to the USA. The public did not know that the former President of Turkey had a connection with Gulen and his movement; the public did not know that Gulen secretly sent Özal to Central Asia to prevents his schools from being closed; the public did not know that Gulen sent former president Özal to the Balkans to promote his schools as well until Özal died in 1993, when Opal’s connecting with the movement became public. Also, Gulen himself one time said that he asked then President Özal, to intervene because the Gulenists had been kicked out of the military and police academy. Özal’ s answered to Gulen that he had been followed by the Turkish intelligence and everything had been wired, so the Gulenists knew that the CIA had been following them even infiltrated within them; that is why they were so careful.
Did the CIA help Gulenists in Uzbekistan or not? What went wrong in the summer of 1994-1995 in Uzbekistan? Why did so many Gulenists teachers and bellet men (dormitory counselors) go to Turkey for summer vacations and were not able to return to Uzbekistan? The Gulenists are not working for the CIA because in Uzbekistan in the summer of 1994, more than 150 Gulenists belletmen and teachers went to back to Turkey for summer vacation, but also more than 100 belletmen stayed in Uzbekistan, supposedly the first group would take their turn first, go to Turkey, and then come back so the next group could go. But they could not come back to Uzbekistan again because President Kerimov suspected their acvitivities and closed some of the schools. Thus, the half of the teachers and belletmen who were left behind in Uzbekistan could not go back to Turkey, because if they went back, they would not have been re-admitted and that would have been the end of the Gulenist movement in Uzbekistan. Gulen feared the closings could spread to other neighboring countries. He tried everyway to solve the problem, but the Uzbek government did not change its decision. It closed the schools and did not let the followers who had gone to Turkey back into Uzbekistan.
Gulenists used all their power but still failed; the reason they failed to solve
the problem with the Uzbek government was because one of the high positions in Gulen’s organization gave the sensitive information to the Uzbek government. The person who gave information was in charge of the belletmen, all the schools, and the English department; of course, some of the belletmens who stayed in Uzbekistan did nothing for almost one year, wasted their time, were upset, and wanted to kill the person, but Gulenists deported the person to Turkey. No one knows what happened to that person, whether he was excommunicated or whether he stayed in Turkey, but the rest of belletmens were sent to the neighboring countries of Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan. It is not a secret that the CIA and the American government supported the Gulenist movement in Central Asia against Iran‘s influence there. Gulen slowly explained the connection with Ozal and the politics, but in reality, Gulen would say in public that they were not close to any party, but behind closed doors, he would support Ozal. To them, the party, ideology, or principles that “the host” is following is irrelevant; what matters for them is how they can use a person, institution, or source for their interest in a kind of symbiotic relationship. Furthermore, the founder and former leader of the Leftist Demokratik Sol Parti, Bulent Ecevit, praised Gulen during the soft coup against Gulen in 1995 and 1997. Ecevit convinced the secular military that Gulen and his community were serving the country with their schools. In particular, he noted that their schools in the Central Asian republics had decreased Iran's influence there. It is true that the US embassy and consulates in Central Asia made it easy for Gulenists to get visas to come to the States from post-Soviet countries; for example, the president of a university in Georgia is the mother of the President of Georgia.
Students from those schools and particularly Gulenists’ favorite students have an easy way to come to the USA. Some of their schools even have a connection under the academic and student platform to come to the States. Why would the Gulenists deny their relation to the CIA? The truth seems to be optional for Gulenists. According to Gulen’s teachings, his followers have an obligation to know the truth but that truth cannot be revealed anywhere anytime, because if the time is not right, they cannot tell the truth. For example, the strategy of denial is fabricated to appear that they are not part of any movement or community if any charge against them appears in the news. Sometimes if they need to prevaricate for the sake of the movement, they can deny any accusation, and by being cautious not give way all the information. Rather, they are to work patiently and silently until all the institutions are in order to seize power. Timing about when and how to reveal their true goal is very crucial for the Gulenists. Gulenists are experts on how to buy and use persons for their interest.
Therefore, a lie can be justified. Gulenists are very good at using someone for their interest; it does not matter whether he is a criminal or a dictator as
long as he or she helps his movement to advance. A good example is the President of Turkmenistan, who is a dictator, but they praised him. Gulen trained his followers that when they go to a place, not to denigrate the authority even if he is cruel because if they do, he will harm them or their cause.
Because of their secrecy, deception, unethical tactics for silencing critics
including threats and intimidation, deliberate misinformation campaigns,
brainwashing, and the use of bribery to recruit supporters, the movement is
successful. Gulen has done his calculations many times before his followers go to battle. Sun Tzu said, “He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.” Gulenists know their enemy well and that is why they do not fear the result of their fight. The problem is that the West does not know that the enemy is within, so they should be worried about the result of the fight. A country can survive its fools and its opportunists; however, it cannot endure the enemy from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly, like Al-Qaida. But the enemy within moves freely amongst those within the gates, but surely he is whispering and rustling through all the alleys. For the enemy within speaks, eats, acts, dresses, and behaves in ways familiar to his victims. I do not believe Gulen’s schools and civic organizations are merely motivated by the selfless desire to promote education, but rather they aim to foster the Ottoman Empire’s ideology and to have global
power. What other organizations promoting civil society are so secretive,
reactive, murky, and opaque? What other organization encourage their
organization to infiltrate all the institutions and establishments? As for his relation to CIA, it is clearly mutual and symbolic one. As in Biology, the two live in association with one another. The specific from of symbiosis is mutualism in that both benefits. The CIA believes that it ameliorates radicalism by associating with Gulenists, and Gulen receives the protection and a foil by the CIA’s involvement
Gulen Charter School- Another Gulen tool Congressman Ellison Minnesota
I guess the boys forgot to tell Congressman Ellison that he’s not supposed to mention the direct association that Fetullah Gulen has with the 120 “Gulen-inspired” charter schools spread throughout the United States.
Apparently, when they gave Ellison the invitation to Turkey they forgot to give him the skinny on keeping that part hush-hush. The deal is supposed to be -- just accept the money, take the trip, eat the baklava, drink the tea, and shut-up.
Looks like Ellison will not be invited back in the near future unless he can get his story straight. But then—the boys have a hard time doing that too.
And Ellison sure danced around the topic of the Armenian genocide, didn’t he? At least he got that part of “politicking” right.
Ellison was quoted as saying, “That the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.” We just bet you are Ellison, and we wonder who paid for your trip to Turkey and if the boys have contributed to your political campaign.
Oh! And speaking of campaign contributions, and according to the website, Investigative Project.org, here's a few of Keith's supporters: "Other donors include Turkish Islamist Merve Kavakci, and Asad Zaman, principal of the MAS-run Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy in Minneapolis, and Aly Abuzaakouk, former executive director of the American Muslim Council and a former IIIT publications director."
Read more at: http://www.investigativeproject.org/1913/keith-ellisons-mb-support
And Ellison also noted that “Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.” Oh! We know all about those “trade ties,” just take a look at all the Turkish H1-B visa holders that they have traded for American teaching and administrative jobs at the cost of unemployed and qualified Americans.
And a side-note to Ellison, did you bother to research how many H1-B visas have been granted to those schools and that those guys and gals are making more than their American counterparts, and discriminating in lots of other ways in the process – or wasn’t that part of your trip itinerary?
‘Turkey best example of how Islam, democracy can coexist’ 23 April 2011, Saturday / EMRE SONCAN, ANKARA
Congressman Keith Ellison came to Turkey upon an invitation from the Turkish business group TUSKON.
Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of the US Congress, has said Turkey is the most important country in the region and the best example of how Islam and democracy can coexist.
Ellison, visiting Turkey upon the invitation of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON), had talks with Turkish officials, including Finance Minister Ali Babacan, in Ankara. The congressman told Today’s Zaman in an interview that it is very important for Turkey to undertake humanitarian aid mission in this region, while praising Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s initiatives with respect to the unrest and chaos in the Mideast and North Africa. Ellison pointed to the historical link between the US and Turkey and said the ties will continue to grow closer in the future, too.
Ellison also welcomed schools established in the US by businessmen inspired by Fethullah Gülen and said these schools contribute to tolerance and dialogue and that he likes their approach to education.
The congressman stressed that the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.
In a separate interview with the Anatolia news agency, Ellison said the events of 1915, which Armenians claim constitute genocide as large numbers of Armenians were slaughtered at the hands of the Ottomans, is a very complicated topic and can be approached in multiple ways. For this reason, he said, this issue should be left to historians, adding that he is not sure if the Congress is the correct venue. He said he hopes Turkey and Armenia continue to discuss this issue in a constructive way.
When asked about different policies developed by the US and Turkey, the congressman said this does not mean the two countries are in a dispute, adding that Turkey is now representing American diplomatic and consular interests in Libya. Lauding Turkey’s role in Libya, Ellison said he hopes Turkey becomes successful as it is trying to save as many lives as possible. There are people in need of food and shelter in Libya and Turkey is doing a good job there, he said.
Assessing Turkish-Israeli relations, Ellison said Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Israel and that a lethal Israeli raid of the Mavi Marmara ship last year in which nine civilians were killed was a very unfortunate and tragic incident. Ellison urged both Israel and Turkey to continue talks to solve the dispute.
Ellison added that Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.
Explaining that trade between the two countries might swell by the help of trade-facilitating organizations such as TUSKON, Ellison said Turkey’s goods and services meet international standards.
Apparently, when they gave Ellison the invitation to Turkey they forgot to give him the skinny on keeping that part hush-hush. The deal is supposed to be -- just accept the money, take the trip, eat the baklava, drink the tea, and shut-up.
Looks like Ellison will not be invited back in the near future unless he can get his story straight. But then—the boys have a hard time doing that too.
And Ellison sure danced around the topic of the Armenian genocide, didn’t he? At least he got that part of “politicking” right.
Ellison was quoted as saying, “That the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.” We just bet you are Ellison, and we wonder who paid for your trip to Turkey and if the boys have contributed to your political campaign.
Oh! And speaking of campaign contributions, and according to the website, Investigative Project.org, here's a few of Keith's supporters: "Other donors include Turkish Islamist Merve Kavakci, and Asad Zaman, principal of the MAS-run Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy in Minneapolis, and Aly Abuzaakouk, former executive director of the American Muslim Council and a former IIIT publications director."
Read more at: http://www.investigativeproject.org/1913/keith-ellisons-mb-support
And Ellison also noted that “Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.” Oh! We know all about those “trade ties,” just take a look at all the Turkish H1-B visa holders that they have traded for American teaching and administrative jobs at the cost of unemployed and qualified Americans.
And a side-note to Ellison, did you bother to research how many H1-B visas have been granted to those schools and that those guys and gals are making more than their American counterparts, and discriminating in lots of other ways in the process – or wasn’t that part of your trip itinerary?
‘Turkey best example of how Islam, democracy can coexist’ 23 April 2011, Saturday / EMRE SONCAN, ANKARA
Congressman Keith Ellison came to Turkey upon an invitation from the Turkish business group TUSKON.
Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of the US Congress, has said Turkey is the most important country in the region and the best example of how Islam and democracy can coexist.
Ellison, visiting Turkey upon the invitation of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON), had talks with Turkish officials, including Finance Minister Ali Babacan, in Ankara. The congressman told Today’s Zaman in an interview that it is very important for Turkey to undertake humanitarian aid mission in this region, while praising Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s initiatives with respect to the unrest and chaos in the Mideast and North Africa. Ellison pointed to the historical link between the US and Turkey and said the ties will continue to grow closer in the future, too.
Ellison also welcomed schools established in the US by businessmen inspired by Fethullah Gülen and said these schools contribute to tolerance and dialogue and that he likes their approach to education.
The congressman stressed that the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.
In a separate interview with the Anatolia news agency, Ellison said the events of 1915, which Armenians claim constitute genocide as large numbers of Armenians were slaughtered at the hands of the Ottomans, is a very complicated topic and can be approached in multiple ways. For this reason, he said, this issue should be left to historians, adding that he is not sure if the Congress is the correct venue. He said he hopes Turkey and Armenia continue to discuss this issue in a constructive way.
When asked about different policies developed by the US and Turkey, the congressman said this does not mean the two countries are in a dispute, adding that Turkey is now representing American diplomatic and consular interests in Libya. Lauding Turkey’s role in Libya, Ellison said he hopes Turkey becomes successful as it is trying to save as many lives as possible. There are people in need of food and shelter in Libya and Turkey is doing a good job there, he said.
Assessing Turkish-Israeli relations, Ellison said Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Israel and that a lethal Israeli raid of the Mavi Marmara ship last year in which nine civilians were killed was a very unfortunate and tragic incident. Ellison urged both Israel and Turkey to continue talks to solve the dispute.
Ellison added that Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.
Explaining that trade between the two countries might swell by the help of trade-facilitating organizations such as TUSKON, Ellison said Turkey’s goods and services meet international standards.
I guess the boys forgot to tell Congressman Ellison that he’s not supposed to mention the direct association that Fetullah Gulen has with the 120 “Gulen-inspired” charter schools spread throughout the United States.
Apparently, when they gave Ellison the invitation to Turkey they forgot to give him the skinny on keeping that part hush-hush. The deal is supposed to be -- just accept the money, take the trip, eat the baklava, drink the tea, and shut-up.
Looks like Ellison will not be invited back in the near future unless he can get his story straight. But then—the boys have a hard time doing that too.
And Ellison sure danced around the topic of the Armenian genocide, didn’t he? At least he got that part of “politicking” right.
Ellison was quoted as saying, “That the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.” We just bet you are Ellison, and we wonder who paid for your trip to Turkey and if the boys have contributed to your political campaign.
Oh! And speaking of campaign contributions, and according to the website, Investigative Project.org, here's a few of Keith's supporters: "Other donors include Turkish Islamist Merve Kavakci, and Asad Zaman, principal of the MAS-run Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy in Minneapolis, and Aly Abuzaakouk, former executive director of the American Muslim Council and a former IIIT publications director."
Read more at: http://www.investigativeproject.org/1913/keith-ellisons-mb-support
And Ellison also noted that “Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.” Oh! We know all about those “trade ties,” just take a look at all the Turkish H1-B visa holders that they have traded for American teaching and administrative jobs at the cost of unemployed and qualified Americans.
And a side-note to Ellison, did you bother to research how many H1-B visas have been granted to those schools and that those guys and gals are making more than their American counterparts, and discriminating in lots of other ways in the process – or wasn’t that part of your trip itinerary?
‘Turkey best example of how Islam, democracy can coexist’ 23 April 2011, Saturday / EMRE SONCAN, ANKARA
Congressman Keith Ellison came to Turkey upon an invitation from the Turkish business group TUSKON.
Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of the US Congress, has said Turkey is the most important country in the region and the best example of how Islam and democracy can coexist.
Ellison, visiting Turkey upon the invitation of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON), had talks with Turkish officials, including Finance Minister Ali Babacan, in Ankara. The congressman told Today’s Zaman in an interview that it is very important for Turkey to undertake humanitarian aid mission in this region, while praising Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s initiatives with respect to the unrest and chaos in the Mideast and North Africa. Ellison pointed to the historical link between the US and Turkey and said the ties will continue to grow closer in the future, too.
Ellison also welcomed schools established in the US by businessmen inspired by Fethullah Gülen and said these schools contribute to tolerance and dialogue and that he likes their approach to education.
The congressman stressed that the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.
In a separate interview with the Anatolia news agency, Ellison said the events of 1915, which Armenians claim constitute genocide as large numbers of Armenians were slaughtered at the hands of the Ottomans, is a very complicated topic and can be approached in multiple ways. For this reason, he said, this issue should be left to historians, adding that he is not sure if the Congress is the correct venue. He said he hopes Turkey and Armenia continue to discuss this issue in a constructive way.
When asked about different policies developed by the US and Turkey, the congressman said this does not mean the two countries are in a dispute, adding that Turkey is now representing American diplomatic and consular interests in Libya. Lauding Turkey’s role in Libya, Ellison said he hopes Turkey becomes successful as it is trying to save as many lives as possible. There are people in need of food and shelter in Libya and Turkey is doing a good job there, he said.
Assessing Turkish-Israeli relations, Ellison said Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Israel and that a lethal Israeli raid of the Mavi Marmara ship last year in which nine civilians were killed was a very unfortunate and tragic incident. Ellison urged both Israel and Turkey to continue talks to solve the dispute.
Ellison added that Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.
Explaining that trade between the two countries might swell by the help of trade-facilitating organizations such as TUSKON, Ellison said Turkey’s goods and services meet international standards.
Apparently, when they gave Ellison the invitation to Turkey they forgot to give him the skinny on keeping that part hush-hush. The deal is supposed to be -- just accept the money, take the trip, eat the baklava, drink the tea, and shut-up.
Looks like Ellison will not be invited back in the near future unless he can get his story straight. But then—the boys have a hard time doing that too.
And Ellison sure danced around the topic of the Armenian genocide, didn’t he? At least he got that part of “politicking” right.
Ellison was quoted as saying, “That the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.” We just bet you are Ellison, and we wonder who paid for your trip to Turkey and if the boys have contributed to your political campaign.
Oh! And speaking of campaign contributions, and according to the website, Investigative Project.org, here's a few of Keith's supporters: "Other donors include Turkish Islamist Merve Kavakci, and Asad Zaman, principal of the MAS-run Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy in Minneapolis, and Aly Abuzaakouk, former executive director of the American Muslim Council and a former IIIT publications director."
Read more at: http://www.investigativeproject.org/1913/keith-ellisons-mb-support
And Ellison also noted that “Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.” Oh! We know all about those “trade ties,” just take a look at all the Turkish H1-B visa holders that they have traded for American teaching and administrative jobs at the cost of unemployed and qualified Americans.
And a side-note to Ellison, did you bother to research how many H1-B visas have been granted to those schools and that those guys and gals are making more than their American counterparts, and discriminating in lots of other ways in the process – or wasn’t that part of your trip itinerary?
‘Turkey best example of how Islam, democracy can coexist’ 23 April 2011, Saturday / EMRE SONCAN, ANKARA
Congressman Keith Ellison came to Turkey upon an invitation from the Turkish business group TUSKON.
Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of the US Congress, has said Turkey is the most important country in the region and the best example of how Islam and democracy can coexist.
Ellison, visiting Turkey upon the invitation of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON), had talks with Turkish officials, including Finance Minister Ali Babacan, in Ankara. The congressman told Today’s Zaman in an interview that it is very important for Turkey to undertake humanitarian aid mission in this region, while praising Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s initiatives with respect to the unrest and chaos in the Mideast and North Africa. Ellison pointed to the historical link between the US and Turkey and said the ties will continue to grow closer in the future, too.
Ellison also welcomed schools established in the US by businessmen inspired by Fethullah Gülen and said these schools contribute to tolerance and dialogue and that he likes their approach to education.
The congressman stressed that the Turkish community in the US is more active than in the past and that he is in close contact with Turks there.
In a separate interview with the Anatolia news agency, Ellison said the events of 1915, which Armenians claim constitute genocide as large numbers of Armenians were slaughtered at the hands of the Ottomans, is a very complicated topic and can be approached in multiple ways. For this reason, he said, this issue should be left to historians, adding that he is not sure if the Congress is the correct venue. He said he hopes Turkey and Armenia continue to discuss this issue in a constructive way.
When asked about different policies developed by the US and Turkey, the congressman said this does not mean the two countries are in a dispute, adding that Turkey is now representing American diplomatic and consular interests in Libya. Lauding Turkey’s role in Libya, Ellison said he hopes Turkey becomes successful as it is trying to save as many lives as possible. There are people in need of food and shelter in Libya and Turkey is doing a good job there, he said.
Assessing Turkish-Israeli relations, Ellison said Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Israel and that a lethal Israeli raid of the Mavi Marmara ship last year in which nine civilians were killed was a very unfortunate and tragic incident. Ellison urged both Israel and Turkey to continue talks to solve the dispute.
Ellison added that Turkey and the US have successfully cooperated in security and politics and urged both countries to focus on trade ties.
Explaining that trade between the two countries might swell by the help of trade-facilitating organizations such as TUSKON, Ellison said Turkey’s goods and services meet international standards.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Harmony Parent the TRUTH: Gulen Charter Schools- Turkish Scholars in Texas o...
Harmony Parent the TRUTH: Gulen Charter Schools- Turkish Scholars in Texas o...: "Turkish Scholars (wink-wink) open up charter schools in Texas and help to replicate the model to other states Although this article is 1 ..."
Gulen Charter Schools Sonoran Science Academy Olympiad
The newscaster Dan Marries traveled to Turkey paid for FREE by the local Gulen Movement in Arizona.
Gulen Charter Schools-American Children Singing and Dancing Turkish Please Crowds
Gulen Turkish Olympiad DC, "Gulen Teach me to be Turkish"
This is one of the 9 Gulen Turkish Olympiads held in the USA. This is the Washington DC performance with the American children that attend the Gulen managed schools in the Mid atlantic areas (MA,VA, PA, etc.,) These pictures are on the school's web sites and on Gulen's web sites. This same theme song is used at Gulen's Annual Turkish Olympiad in Istanbul. A lot of money goes into these productions and rental of costumes. If your child participates question who or what organization pays for this.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Gulen Charter School Lisa Academy is DENIED an expansion
By John Lyon
Arkansas News Bureau jlyon@arkansasnews.com The Times Record | 0 comments
Arkansas News Bureau jlyon@arkansasnews.com The Times Record | 0 comments
LITTLE ROCK - The state Board of Education voted Monday to classify the Dermott and West Side Cleburne County school districts as fiscally distressed because of declining fund balances.
The board also rejected a Little Rock charter school's request to expand.
The Dermott School District had an unrestricted fund balance of more than $1 million as recently as the 2008-09 school year, but that balance has dwindled to $14,947. Declining enrollment has led to a reduction in the district's funding.
Dermott did not appeal the classification.
The West Side Cleburne County School District had an unrestricted fund balance of $3 million in 2007-08, $2.1 million in 2008-09 and $909,103 in 2009-10. Its current balance is $633,359.
West Side Superintendent Steve Lucas did not appeal the classification, but he told the board the district has a plan for turning its finances around.
Lucas said the district has experienced declining enrollment, and it is one of four districts that have been ordered by the state to hand over property tax revenue that exceeded the required level of per-student funding.
The district also launched construction projects, including a new gym, at a time when revenues were expected to increase, but revenues have "flatlined," he said. A millage increase was approved for the gym, but the project went over budget, he said.
Board member Ben Mays of Clinton said the board sees districts get into financial difficulties "all the time" because of spending on athletics.
"The only way then to climb out of the hole is by reducing opportunities for kids academically to pay for the sports program that went over budget," he said.
Fiscally distressed school districts have two years to improve their finances or face mandatory consolidation or annexation. They also may not incur any debt without prior written approval from the state Department of Education.
The board also denied a request from LISA Academy, an open-enrollment charter school in Little Rock, to raise its student cap from 600 to 800 and allow it to add grades 4 and 5. The school now serves grades 6-12.
Board members noted that LISA's high school did not meet adequate yearly progress last year.
Superintendent Cuneyt Akdemir said the failure to meet yearly progress in one year was not statistically significant because the high school has fewer than 40 students per grade, so one student can affect the school's score.
"Lots of data shows we are providing a quality education in our high school," he said.
According to statistics provided by the school, LISA Academy ranked third among Arkansas public schools in benchmark test scores in 2008-09. In 2009-10, the school ranked 16th among public schools in the state.
Mays noted that 27 percent of LISA Academy's students are eligible for free and reduced lunches, whereas at other schools in the area, typically 60 or 70 percent of students are eligible.
Akdemir said the school compares favorably to other schools with similar percentages of economically disadvantaged students.
State education officials provided a chart comparing the performance of economically disadvantaged students at LISA Academy in 2010 with economically disadvantaged students at 18 other schools with free and reduced lunch counts within 10 percent of LISA's.
According to the chart, LISA's middle school students ranked 5th among the schools in literary proficiency and 15th in math proficiency. Its high school ranked 5th in literary proficiency and 18th, or second to last, in math proficiency.
"When I look at the comparison of LISA Academy with other schools that have the same socioeconomic demographic, I'm not impressed (that) the statistics tell me that LISA is doing anything other than assembling a group of socioeconomically advantaged students out of the area, where they're a precious commodity, and by doing that you can have better test scores," Mays said.
A motion to approve the request failed in a 2-6 vote.
The board voted unanimously to grant a request from the Little Rock School District to surrender the charter of Felder Alternative Learning Academy, a conversion, or district-operated, charter school for students in grades 6-12 with behavior problems.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Fethullah Gulen's Makara: Burn Books, Jail Journalists but Claim Seeking...
Indiana Schools are under the management of Gulen owned Concept Schools, same as the Horizon Science Academys.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Gulen "The Global Imam" through American Eyes
Milliyet, Turkey
The “Global Imam” through
American Eyes
The “Global Imam” through
American Eyes
Edited by Gillian Palmer
Turkey - Milliyet - Original Article (Turkish)
The Gulen phenomenon is, little by little, starting to awaken the American media. This week, one of America’s most prestigious weekly publications, The New Republic, published a 6,000-word article about Fethullah Gulen.
It can be said that the article, which was penned by Suzy Hansen, is the most comprehensive yet about Gulen’s congregation in the American media. In her article titled “The Global Imam,” Hansen tries to give us an understanding of the congregation, which stretches all the way from Texas to Adana.
From Artvin to Izmir, there is nobody who hasn’t heard about Fethullah Gulen. Those who love him and hate him agree that the man has created a serious social phenomenon and political power, upon which he can deliver — so much so that within political circles in Ankara, Gulen’s organization is known simply as “The Congregation.” Who did it? The Congregation did. Which congregation? The Congregation.
Of course the medal has two sides. Aside from the schools, publications, social and non-governmental organizations that the Gulen community operates through their fans, the organization has a system and hierarchy about which only a few people know.
Fethullah Gulen has lived in the U.S. since 1999. He remains in touch with Turkish public opinion through journalists or supporters, who visit him from time to time.
However, aside from a handful of Turkish experts who live and operate in Washington, ordinary Americans are not aware of the man who lives in Philadelphia.
This is strange, since nowadays Americans are reading and speaking about Islam and Muslims in America to the extent that it has become a daily staple for them. Open any American newspaper and you will see at least three to four news items and several essays about Islam and the geography of Islamic nations. However, the Gulen movement is, quietly but increasingly, establishing its foundation in the U.S. through schools, non-governmental organizations and even a think tank and lobbying organization in Washington.
Thus far, only two serious articles were published in the mainstream American media about the Gulen movement. These were the interviews that Gulen gave to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times during the “Blue Marmara” event, which was associated with the Gaza Flotilla (in both cases he made serious remarks and evaluations regarding the Turkish government’s phobia of Israel).
It is apparent that the Gulen phenomenon, albeit slowly, is starting to arouse interest in the American media. For weeks now I have been hearing from several journalists that they want to do some sort of report on Gulen, but don’t know how to approach the issue. Foreigners are trying hard to understand the structure and the modus operandi of the Gulen organization. According to what I have heard, some of the prestigious media outlets have made Gulen their focal point. However, having difficulty deciphering the organization’s half public (open) and half closed nature, as well as its half centralized and half decentralized structure, it took one of America’s most prestigious publications, The New Republic, some time to print its 6,000-word article, which I referred to above. I read it with a keen interest. It can be said that Suzy Hansen’s article is the most comprehensive one dealing with the Gulen congregation. Hansen, a young journalist living in Istanbul, traveled from Texas to Adana in order to explain the different dimensions associated with the congregation. It is a serious piece of street research, or, more aptly put, “street journalism.”
Far from ideology and all other issues with which Turkish media is maligned, the American writer provides the reader with details about Gulen’s “Golden Generation” living in their Pennsylvania camp (the Islamic movement lives in a tiny Pennsylvania town called Saylorsburg, at the Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center, otherwise known as “the Camp”). Moreover, there are details about Anatolian businessmen donating to Gulen’s schools, as well as “The Hanefi Avcı Olayı” (“The Hanefi Hunter Incident,” a book that was published in Turkey and contained conspiracy theory material regarding the congregation), and the association of the congregation with the ruling AK Party in Turkey.
It’s impossible to summarize Hansen’s 6,000-word article here. You can read the complete Turkish translation at: www.tnr.com
What Texas Moms Are Saying:
* After visiting the Turkish school in Afghanistan operated by the Gulen congregation, Hansen also visited the Turkish Olympics site in Texas. There she witnesses how black and Latino kids do their ethnic dances and read Turkish poetry. The congregations’ parochial schools in America have names such as Manolya, Turkuaz, Gökküşağı, Dostluk, Kozmos, Zirve (all Turkish names).
* According to me, Hansen’s article shows that the Gulen school students, which represent the new generation of the movement, are more liberal and more American than the regular American students. “Their stories are really interesting,” writes Hansen. “At least they spoke more freely and honestly with me than others in their age,” concludes the article writer.* I wonder if this American-raised new generation of Gulen’s followers will, later in life, be different from their counterparts who are being raised in Turkey.
* When the writer asked three mothers of students from the black ghetto of Texas if they knew that their children were being educated in a school that is being subsidized by Turkish businessmen from Turkey, Colle O’Brian, one of the moms, answers with a heavy Texan accent: “We never thought about that.”* The moms are extremely happy with the school. However, there are some American circles who have, it seems, started to be aware of the Gulen schools that are mushrooming all over the United States.
* I also read about the project developed in Adana, through which Turkish businessmen are discussing the prospect of opening Gulen schools in Senegal and the Congo. It seems that all political organizations in Turkey are jealous of the congregation, and they know that in order to be competitive, they should reorganize themselves in the manner the congregation has done. This is easier said than done, however.
* Hansen also mentions that there are some disturbing rumors regarding the congregation’s ties to Ergenekon (an ultra-Nationalist cabal whose members are being tried for trying to topple the current Islamist government in Turkey). The writer mentions that the rumors regarding the congregation’s presence within the Turkish police force are also a matter of concern. This brings the writer to the issue of transparency, which is hardly a mainstay of the congregation.
Financial Profile:
* Hansen’s “Global Imam” article estimates that the congregation’s membership is around 5 million strong, with supporters around the world. However, it seems that despite all the money pouring in, the movement is facing some financial difficulties.
* Gulen ski camp/house in Pennsylvania’s Saylorsburg Township, the center of the “Golden Generation,” has several houses, a lake and something resembling a forest. It seems that one of Gulen’s high ranking officers, Bekir Aksoy, acted as the writer’s guide during her touring of the facility. Among the visitors that were there on the same day were some Turkish businessmen, another journalist, and even a Jewish professor of theology who was fishing at the lake.
* The movement has created a terminology problem in Turkish in terms of what the followers should be called. While members call themselves “Volunteers,” others have attached the moniker “Fethullaji” (followers of Fethullah) to them.
* Hansen has also lectured that Gulen never says or orders anything. He only suggests. According to Aksoy, if a Ph.D. comes to visit Gulen for work and Gulen suggests to him/her to go to the North Pole, the person will be here next morning with a suitcase in hand.
* I learned a lot about the movement from Hansen’s article. The organization was formed in 1983 and has stock in technology industries in some 15 advanced countries. Gulen’s cassette tapes were first sold by the NT chain, in few outlets. Today the chain has more than 110 outlets. Joshua Hendrick, who has written his Ph.D. thesis in sociology on the subject of the Gulen Movement, asserts that academics and academia have been the pivotal point of the movement.
* The movement has its media outlets like “Zaman” (newspaper), “Samanyolu” (“Milky Way,” a television station broadcast all over the world through satellite systems) and Feza Media Systems, as well as Bank Asia and Tuskon. Sociologist Helen Ebaugh of the University of Houston states that 5 to 20 percent of members’ monthly incomes are spent on charity projects. Some members’ yearly dues go as high as $3.5 million.
The congregation has 1,000 schools in 100 countries. The writer is unable to know who the benefactors of most of these schools are, since the answer is always “a sponsor or a Turkish businessman did it.”
*EDITOR'S NOTE: Quotes could not be verified.
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