"Gulen Charter Schools USA",a factual look at a worldwide movement to dominate education. Read about the "Gulen Charter Schools" in the USA as well as worldwide. Share our ride exploring the Gulen Movement tactics. These postings are based on news articles, government documents such as H1-b Visa info, IRS information. http://www.gulencharterschools.weebly.com http://www.charterschoolwatchdog.com http://www.charterschoolscandals.blogspot.com http://www.gulenschoolsworldwide.blogspot.com
Gulen's American Empire

Gulen Empire map from Turkish Newspaper. DISCLAIMER: If you find some videos are disabled this is the work of the Gulen censorship who have filed fake copyright infringement reports to UTUBE
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Magnolia Science Academy #1 Steals Redevelopment funds via #Mark Dierking (Caprice Young's Husband)
How does a school that has been denied renewal by LAUSD and barely accepted by the LACOE, lied on previously applications. Failure to disclose lawsuits with staff and student families, NAACP charges of racism, sexism and bigotry not to mention over 200 H1 b visas of employees that never worked for Magnolia?
(after recommendation of denial by staff, and County Superintendent) voted in by a "selected board" get redevelopment funds. More Later but the answer is it has to do with Caprice Young's husband Mr. Mark Dierking. These are not high performing schools all Gulen Schools Claim to be "blue Ribbon" and "US News and World Report Schools"
Bob Blumenfield you got taken in by a group of pathlogical liars and their American puppets like Caprice Young and her husband Mark Dierking who is on the South Valley Planning Comission as well as is the Community Relations person for Transportation which has privvy to land and funding to be developed especially to transportation Reseda Station #2. Bob Blumenfeld you slept with the dogs and now you will catch fleas with these liars.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Who is Tarkan Topcuoglu
Current principal of Hampden Charter School of Science, previously Principal with Central Jersey College Prep Charter School where he made the usual Gulenist claims "Top performing schools" "Blue Ribbon School" "waiting list" "US News and World Report Ranking" If you run Gulen operated charter schools like #DoveScienceAcademy #MagnoliaScienceAcademy #HorizonScienceAcademy et al they ALL make the same claims
Priior to Central Jersey College Prep Charter School, Tarkan Topcuoglu worked at the now closed Gulen private school Putnam Science Academy, Putnam was sold to a private group and shortly thereafter Tarkan was named prinicipal of HCSS.
No we aren't part of the Gulen Movement
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Hampden Charter School of Science HCSS discussion on Gulen Movement and unethical illegal practices of the Gulen Movement
Lawyer for Republic of Turkey to Massachusetts: Demand investigation of charter schools with ties to controversial Muslim cleric
Updated on Jun 01, 2018 at 10:10 AM EDT
Updated on Jun 01, 2018 at 10:10 AM EDT
Watch panel discussion and read article CLICK HERE

West Springfield will become the fourth community in Massachusetts to host a so-called Gulen charter school when Chicopee-based Hampden Charter School of Science opens a branch in West Side this September, according to John Martin, shown at left holding microphone, a lawyer representing the Republic of Turkey, and Mark S. Hall, right, the director and producer of "Killing Ed," a documentary shown Wednesday night at West Springfield High School. (Channel 15 / West Springfield)

Updated on Jun 01, 2018 at 10:10 AM EDT

West Springfield will become the fourth community in Massachusetts to host a so-called Gulen charter school when Chicopee-based Hampden Charter School of Science opens a branch in West Side this September, according to John Martin, shown at left holding microphone, a lawyer representing the Republic of Turkey, and Mark S. Hall, right, the director and producer of "Killing Ed," a documentary shown Wednesday night at West Springfield High School. (Channel 15 / West Springfield)

Hampden Charter School of Science West Springfield expansion discussed and scorned in Turkish News
Article in top Turkish news print about proposed Hampden Charter School of Science in West Springfield, MA. the ex teacher who worked there, Turkish American residence of West Springfield who are strongly opposed to this school. The low class conversion of a prior Catholic School. 2 Senators and a representative of the law firm that represents the Republic Of Turkey in the Gulen Investigation was present to field questions from the audience.
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