"Gulen Charter Schools USA",a factual look at a worldwide movement to dominate education. Read about the "Gulen Charter Schools" in the USA as well as worldwide. Share our ride exploring the Gulen Movement tactics. These postings are based on news articles, government documents such as H1-b Visa info, IRS information. http://www.gulencharterschools.weebly.com http://www.charterschoolwatchdog.com http://www.charterschoolscandals.blogspot.com http://www.gulenschoolsworldwide.blogspot.com
Gulen's American Empire

Gulen Empire map from Turkish Newspaper. DISCLAIMER: If you find some videos are disabled this is the work of the Gulen censorship who have filed fake copyright infringement reports to UTUBE
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Gulen Albuquerque School of Excellence New Mexico - racial slurs
Gulen Albuquerque School of Excellence Racial Slurs from Gulen Fraud on Vimeo.
ALBUQUERQUE) – Offensive behavior in an Albuquerque classroom has a parent fuming after he says his black son was called the “N” word over and over again and a school official knew about the incident but didn’t call him. The entire incident was recorded on camera by the student making the offensive remarks inside a classroom at the Albuquerque School of Excellence, a charter school. School officials said he is a middle school student.
The entire video, which lasted 46 seconds long, was filled with racist remarks. One parent said the remarks would soon get personal. “Look at that organic n***** right there. That is an organic n******. That n***** is organic. Look at that organic n*****. That’s an organic n*****, yes he is,” the student said. The video was uploaded to social media in January. A parent of another student in the classroom saw it and reported it to a school official in February. However, the parent of the boy who appeared to be targeted in the video didn’t hear about it until this week. Terrence said it wasn’t school officials that called him. Instead, he had to hear about from the parent who reported the incident and he watched the video Monday night. “We were shocked, we could not believe what we saw,” Terrence said. School officials said the students all said they were goofing off and not one said it was bullying. They said the student behind the camera was disciplined and his parents were called. However, Dean of Elementary Krisiti Del Curto said there was never made any contact with the other parents. “The parents were not called because it was not seen as a bullying incident,” Del Curto said. Terrence said it was bullying and this is what his son told him. “He literally said, ‘I wanted to pretend like it didn’t happen. I didn’t know what to say, how to act, or what to do,’ ” Terrence said. Terrence said he’s most upset that school officials did not call him. He said he thinks this could have been a good teaching opportunity.
The school would not elaborate on the discipline the student faced. However, they did say that if a situation like this arises again, they will call the parents of all children involved immediately. School officials said an assistant principal took the report in February. However, the principal said he didn’t see the video until this week. School officials say initially it was not considered bullying, but after an interview with KRQE, they said it was. Del Curto said the teacher in the classroom did not hear the racist remarks. The school said they do have anti-bullying assemblies for students and staff.
MEANWHILE Gulen Lobbying for Azerbaijan is engulfing the state of New Mexico
NMSU Signs Affiliation Agreement with Azerbaijan Organization By cmenking | Published January 16, 2015 On Friday, January 9, NMSU hosted visitors representing the Association of the Friends of Azerbaijan (AFAZ). Visiting were Mr. Kemal Oksuz, President of AFAZ, and Dr. Resul Aksoy. DSCN0632 President Carruthers, Senator Papen,
AFAZ President Kemal Oksuz signing the agreement. A signing Ceremony was held in President Carruthers’ office where he and Mr. Oksuz a general affiliation agreement between NMSU and AFAZ,and a more specific agreement for NMSU to participate in a the Baku Summer Energy School. Sponsored by Exxon Mobil and other organizations, the summer school is an annual two-week certificate program held in July in Baku, Azerbaijan.
It brings together world-renowned scholars, academicians and policy makers to examine and gain a better understanding of global energy and environment issues and their practical application. The agreement between NMSU and AFAZ provides nearly full scholarships for six fortunate NMSU students with a focus on petroleum topics. In the weeks ahead a website will be established where NMSU students, as well as UNM and New Mexico Tech students, can apply for participation in the program.
The College of Engineering and the Office of Education Abroad will both collaborate on this effort. For application information visit this webpage. DSCN0633 L-R: Resul Aksoy, Pres. Carruthers, Senator Papen, Provost Dan Howard, Pres. Aksuz, Assoc. Provost Cornell Menking This development is part of a deepening relationship between officials from the State of New Mexico and Eurasian countries.
Senator Mary Kay Papen has been working with the Turquoise Council of Americans and Eurasians on strengthening ties between Turkey and Azerbaijan. Last Spring Associate Provost for legislators — International and Border Programs Cornell Menking travelled to those countries with her and three other state Representative Lee Cotter, Senator John Woods, and Senator Mark Moore
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